course photo publisher supremacy

Publisher Supremacy

An "A-Z" self-publishing program that will teach you anything and everything you need to know about self-publishing

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Who is this course for?

  • Beginners who want to publish their first book
  • Authors who want to learn how to self-publish instead of using traditional publishing methods
  • New and experienced publishers wanting to learn how to effectively launch, market and sell their self-published books

What you’ll learn

  • Learn the ropes to building and creating your first book. This includes things like how to research, how to create your foundation and how to prepare the book for Amazon.
  • How to properly launch and market your book through email marketing, Amazon Ads, Facebook Ads and review tactics.
  • How to create audiobooks including how to hire a narrator, order covers, and promote them as well.
  • How to take self-publishing singular books and properly start to transition it into a full on publishing business that earns you consistent income on a month to month basis.
  • How to hire, manage and automate a lean, mean, highly profitable publishing machine that does almost all of the work for you.
  • How to build out email automations, Facebook Pages/Groups and even build your very own branded website to promote not only your books, but additional products related to your book brand as well.

About the course

Publisher Supremacy is an “A-Z” self-publishing program that will teach you anything and everything you need to know about self-publishing Ebooks, Paperback Books and Audiobooks through Amazon, Audible and additional platforms as well.

It is designed to take anyone who is either already a self-publisher or a complete beginner and turn them into an experienced publisher who can generate a healthy side – or full – time income from home.

The program itself contains over 31+ hours of video training lessons all neatly organized into…

Publisher Supremacy is an “A-Z” self-publishing program that will teach you anything and everything you need to know about self-publishing Ebooks, Paperback Books and Audiobooks through Amazon, Audible and additional platforms as well.

It is designed to take anyone who is either already a self-publisher or a complete beginner and turn them into an experienced publisher who can generate a healthy side – or full – time income from home.

The program itself contains over 31+ hours of video training lessons all neatly organized into 9 different sections for you to work through at your own pace.

On top of that, you’re getting access additional goodies such as a private mastermind Facebook Group, 100+ Worksheets & Resources, Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls with Dane, Done For You Email Templates and Automations and what Dane calls the “Supremacy Book Quality Check”.

The “Supremacy Book Quality Check” gives members the opportunity to submit their niche, keyword, book outline and anything else they have directly to Dane once per month. He will analyze it and let you know if it’s strong enough to invest in and move forward with! Having this quality check really cushions any doubts you may have about succeeding. It’s the closest we can come to absolutely guaranteeing a successful experience for you.

Join hundreds of students already taking advantage of what Publisher Supremacy has to offer!

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Course Content

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Lesson Name & What’s Included
Preparation modules
55 minutes
The Publishing Business Model Explained
The "Make or Break" Phase
Full Potential Unleashed
Introduction to Audible and ACX
The Meaning Of Online Business Perspective
Identity 2.0: Publisher Paradigm Shift
Current Situation vs Future Situation
Branded Facebook Groups and Pages Introduction
Offering More Than Just Your Books


Ever since I first discovered the Amazon Author Method and the opportunities it holds, I've been hooked - one might say addicted... Not only addicted to the amount of money I could make with it, but the amazing feeling of fulfillment that comes with being able to positively impact people's lives through the books I create and sell. Fast forward to now and I've managed to figure out a way to create recurring, monthly income via publishing books online that allows me to work from anywhere in the world, whenever I want, however I want.


Course Rating

9 thoughts on “Publisher Supremacy

  1. Dave Chesson


  2. Eva Moreland

    This is rigged! It won’t let me post a one star review. But that’s what I really give it. Don’t do it!! The course is all in black. Very boring visuals, very boring monotone voice. He’ll take your money, expect you to watch the course and your supposed to succeed. After that he doesn’t care about you. He just wants to shove off the video course to as many people as possible for the money, but doesn’t care what happens to you afterward. You’re added to a Facebook page with other people who have gone through the course. If you ask questions in the FB page, no one knows the answer. There are live “rapid fire Q and A sessions every other Saturday, but that’s all it is. You can only as quick questions with quick answers. Anything beyond that, he doesn’t care. He doesn’t want to be bothered with you. There are 1:1 sessions you can sign up for, but it’s very regimented and only includes certain topics. It’s hard to refer back to the videos and find a specific topic because there aren’t any chapters. So if you want to refer back to review how to set up email automation, you have to first try to figure out which module it’s in and then fast forward back and forth in one video just to find one topic. If you’re struggling at anything, he doesn’t care and doesn’t want to waste time with you. He would rather spend time trying to recruit more people in to the course. so he can just keep collecting money from people. It says there is a moneyback guarantee if you’re unhappy with the course but that’s not true. He’s a liar, manipulator and so stuck on himself. He’ll lie and say that most of his students make at least $10,000 a month. I spoke to someone on his team, who said that most people stop pursuing their business. Once they find out how time consuming it is to gather an audience and followers, who will support your publishing business. I’m personally not cut out for this kind of business because to be cut out for this type of business, you have to be a liar, a cheater, a master manipulator, greedy, selfish, egocentric, Backstabber, scammer, have no empathy for people. So if this is you, then I say, go for it. More power to you. But I am better than this. Don’t believe all of the five star reviews because he paid people to post them.

    1. Dave Chesson

      It’s not rigged. You can see from other courses, that there is the ability to leave a review that isn’t a 5 star. You just need to click the one star. I just tested and it works.

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