
In order to help authors reach new levels with their book marketing, I created Kindlepreneur as a free resource with the sole goal of giving you everything you need to take action, and see results.

Hi, everyone! I’m Dave Chesson.

I’m a military veteran, husband, and father of three crazy monkeys…I mean kids. But, when I’m not doing dad things, I’m an avid book marketer.

My work in both publishing and book marketing has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, ALLi, Huffington Post, and even Market Watch.

I’ve been blessed to have worked with many New York Times bestselling authors in multiple genres and topics like Ted Dekker, Orson Scott Card, Kevin J. Anderson and more. I’ve also been a paid consultant to major publishing companies helping with digital sales, advertisement methods and sales page optimizations.

Even Amazon has recognized my book marketing strategies by officially saying that authors “…should gain insight from Kindlepreneur on how you can optimize marketing your books…”

So, what is Kindlepreneur?

Basically, I have taken everything I’ve learned over the years working with publishing companies, NYT bestsellers, and more, and packaged it all right here on Kindlepreneur.

I don’t hold back at all. My goal with every article or video is to give you everything you need to know, so that you can turn around and take action, and see results. I hope for this to be a compendium of self publishing and book marketing knowledge so that real authors can get their books seen.

My motto: Real Authors Deserve to be Read!

That’s why I’ve built free courses, tools, articles, videos, full guides, and more. Through Kindlepreneur you’ll learn everything you need to get your book in front of more readers, make more sales, and build your author career.


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I wasn’t always a Kindlepreneur...

I have to admit, writing the above feels like a humble brag. But, in today’s online world, it’s important to know the credentials of someone you’re about to learn from. So please, understand I’m not a braggadocious person.

So, here, I’d like to introduce the real me, or rather who I am when I’m not working in the book marketing world.

I was born a military brat, and have lived all over the world. I ended up following in my father’s footsteps and commissioned as an officer in the US Navy.

I became a nuclear engineer, served on submarines, became a military diplomat and even worked in defense cooperation around the world.

Publishing books was the only way I could be with my family

I decided to become an author while deployed to Korea. You see, over my 13 years in the military, I had been deployed on submarines for months at a time, and had to spend 3 years deployed without my family.

I had missed birthdays, first words, first steps and more. Sometimes it felt like my children didn’t fully know me. I needed to be home with my family.

So, writing and self publishing wasn’t a hobby, it was going to be the answer to getting me to be home with my wife and kids. Failure wasn’t an option.

So, how does a dyslexic guy on the other side of the world become a full-time successful author?

7 Unique Things About Me

  • I have dyslexia
  • My first ever triathlon was a full Ironman in Tempe, AZ
  • I used to be a nuclear engineer and a submariner
  • I’m fluent in Mandarin Chinese
  • I was a military diplomat
  • I love the Boston Red Sox and visit Fenway once a year
  • Michter 10 year is my favorite whiskey

Making money selling books online changed my life forever

After years of learning, practicing, and experimenting with book markets and online stores like Amazon, I started to understand why certain books succeed while others didn’t.

I started to understand what makes Amazon tick and why they choose to show one book more on their market place than another.

Once I started to understand this, I started making more money from my books than I was as an officer in the Navy. From my book earnings alone, I was able to leave the military and come home.

We now live in Franklin, TN and I’ve been a full time author ever since. Now, my monkeys get to see their Dad every day. I’m very blessed to be able to take them to school every morning, or be one of the only dads who is there to pick them up.

So, if a dyslexic dad having to work a full time job on the other side of the world can do it, I know you can too!

It just takes a little understanding of the market, determination, and dedication.

And I can’t wait to see how self publishing changes your life, just like it changed mine.

dave chesson signature

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