Advertising for Authors

Everything you need to know to master Facebook, Amazon and BookBub ads.

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Who is this course for?

  • Authors (intermediate level and above) who want to supercharge their sales and turn their writing hobby into an indie author career.

What you’ll learn

  • How to use the Facebook Ads platform to build a mailing list and boost sales of your books with paid traffic
  • How to navigate the Amazon Ads dashboard and create ads that work (taught by an ex-Amazonian)
  • Why BookBub is an untapped well of readers, and how you can reach them
  • How to write better copy and create more effective images for your ads
  • Plus bonus content and lifetime updates, free

About the course

Ads for Authors is a comprehensive guide to everything there is to know about marketing books online. Whether you’ve written one book or twenty, no matter your chosen genre, this course from bestselling author Mark Dawson will teach you to master the three biggest advertising platforms and send your book(s) soaring to the top of the charts.

Suitable for authors at an intermediate level and above. This course opens in Spring and Winter.

Ads for Authors is a comprehensive guide to everything there is to know about marketing books online. Whether you’ve written one book or twenty, no matter your chosen genre, this course from bestselling author Mark Dawson will teach you to master the three biggest advertising platforms and send your book(s) soaring to the top of the charts.

Suitable for authors at an intermediate level and above. This course opens in Spring and Winter.

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Course Content

33 hours of content
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Lesson Name & What’s Included
Facebook Ads for Authors
4 lessons, 12 hrs
The biggest social media platform on the planet, Facebook is a great place to find readers interested in your specific genre. We’ll teach you the basics all the way through to building up your mailing list and boosting your sales with paid traffic.
13 mins
Readers are buying your books on Amazon, so where better to advertise them? Janet Margot, an ex-Amazonian who worked behind the scenes on the platform, is here to guide you through every inch of Amazon Ads, from setting up an account all the way to optimising and scaling up successful bids. An essential course in and of itself.
37 mins
BookBub is a massive community of readers hungry for free and discounted books – the perfect place to market yours. The team from BookBub demonstrate how to build, optimise and improve effective ads using their advertising platform.
Getting Started
22 mins
For those who master the regular Facebook course and want something a little more complex, our Advanced Facebook Ads course – continually updated with new sessions and strategies.
The Reader Funnel
1 hr 57 mins
We continually update the Ads for Authors course with new modules to further improve your marketing, from copywriting and ad design to ad automation and messenger bots. Any bonus modules we add, existing students get at no extra cost.
Ad Design for Authors
1 hr 1 min


Mark Dawson is the author of several fiction and non-fiction titles and has worked as a lawyer and in the London film industry. He is currently writing three series of books, including the John Milton books, which have made the USA Today and Audible bestseller lists. He currently lives in Wiltshire, U.K, with his wife and two children.


Course Rating

5 thoughts on “Advertising for Authors

  1. Bronwyn Leroux

    Loved how comprehensive this course is! Covers all the major areas and then some. Also, the SPF team have some of those originally involved in creating some of these platforms teaching some of the lessons. If there’s ever “the one course to rule them all” when it comes to ads, this is it!

  2. Michelle Wade

    I loved this course. I’ve taken quite a few course’s across a number of subjects ie How to sell on Amazon, various social media and Project management orientated (day job). The construct of this one is very professional and easy to follow, logical and well explained. You progress at your own pace. Additionally the extra’s that come with the course: the FB page is useful, I got help with a book cover from fellow authors and the weekly podcasts where they interview an author are very interesting/good tips and fun to listen to. The whole package gave me the impetus to launch my 1st children’s book on Amazon in early 2020 and I’ve now got 4 books there. I constantly refer back to various course modules because there is so much ‘to do’ to launch in this industry that it takes time and patience to implement all the marketing steps. Like any course you need to actually put the learning into practice to see a return.

  3. Rachel Davidson

    Did this course a while back – but the great thing about Mark Dawson’s offering is that you have a lifetime membership and the courses get updated all the time. I trained on FB ads, but subsequently did the BookBubs Ads mini-course as part of my membership and have launched my first ads on that platform. Wouldn’t have had the courage to do this without the knowledge the ads for authors course provides. Highly recommend this as being well worth the money – plus you get lots of coupons and deals for associated author services, book cover design that sort of thing.

  4. Susie Murphy

    I purchased Mark Dawson’s Ads for Authors course two years ago and it’s a testament to the volume of material in it that I still haven’t got through it all yet! The course is so comprehensive that I think it’s best to absorb it in stages rather than all at once. My approach has been to focus on one module at a time (such as Facebook Ads) and apply the lessons I’ve learned to market my books, before moving on to another module (such as Amazon Ads). The lessons are delivered with clear instructions using both videos and transcripts. I consider Mark Dawson a trusted name in this industry and I would definitely recommend this course.

  5. Maggie Lynch

    I’ve taken this course and highly recommend it. It is thorough, provides step-by-step instruction, and he updates the courses whenever their are major software updates. It is all independent study with video, including a lot of screen captures.

    That said, I would not recommend this course for authors who haven’t completed a book yet or only have one book. It is more important to get two or three books out before you can really see the returns on your investment in advertising. In addition, you really need to commit to do the work. If you don’t actually try the things he is teaching with every video you can’t possibly keep it all in your head for “someday when I get around to implementing it.” I’ve watched a lot of students purchase the course, get to the third video (out of 20+) and then give up because they tried an ad basics once and it didn’t make them the money they expected. Like all advertising it is a learning process, testing process, refining targeting process, and it brings rewards over time–like months not days. But if you really want to learn this stuff, in my opinion this is the best and most expansive course available.

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