Listing Previous Books for More Sales with Steve Scott


Listing your previous books in other books is a great way to turn someone reading one of your books into someone who downloads and reads more of your books. There are a few places in your book to put this list.

  • In the front
  • Throughout the book
  • The end of the book

Keep in mind when you’re listing your books in the front matter that Kindle will open up to the first written page, skipping that section of the book. You can also format your book to include links to previous books throughout the book, making it easy for a reader to click and download those books right where they are.

Putting your previous books at the end of your book is a way to keep that reader engaged in what else you’ve written. They’ve already made it to the very end of the book, it’s only natural to assume they like what you’ve written and are more likely to purchase additional books by you. This is especially important if the book you’ve written is part of a series.

“Putting your previous books at the end of your book is a way to keep that reader engaged in what else you’ve written. ... This is especially important if the book you’ve written is part of a series.”Click To Tweet

Steve also put this information on the back of his books, as well, to show his readers all the other books he has to offer. Using these links within, at the end, and on the back of his books, this increased the chances of people who go to his Amazon page to see Steve’s other books in the Also Bought section, instead of another author’s.

Steve also mentions that if he has another book that is related to the topic, he would include a bonus chapter of that book at the end of the book with a link to the Amazon page. He has also gone back to previous books that were popular and updated them to include links to books he wrote later that related to the topic.

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Another way to link to your books is create a link on your name in the book that directs people to you Amazon Author Page, which we’ll talk about in a future episode. Using URLs that redirect to your Amazon Author Page or certain books is another way you can easily drive people to your books, especially if the URL is easy to remember.

Bio of the Author in the Case Study:

Steve Scott — also known by his pen name, S.J. Scott — is an author of more than 60 books for internet entrepreneurs, nonfiction eBook authors, bloggers, and affiliate marketers. He also likes to travel, run marathons, and read.

Resources Referred to in this Episode:

“Gain insight from Kindlepreneur on how you can optimize marketing for your books."
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