Free Amazon Book Advertisement Course: Ads for Authors [UPDATED 2024]

As many of you have heard, advertising your book on Amazon's Book Advertisement system, formerly known as AMS, has become one the best ways for authors to get their book discovered and even thrive in a crowded Amazon market.

Through AMS, you can now choose when and where you want your book to show up on Amazon – anywhere in search results or even next to another book on their own sales page.  Plus, unlike Facebook ads or Google Adwords, in Amazon's book advertisement system, you're advertising your book to people who are ready to buy and are looking for their next book.

You don't have to be a marketing genius to figure out that that is the BEST time to get your book in front of them.

But here was the dilemma…

Creating profitable Amazon book ads can feel daunting and overwhelming for some.  Well, not anymore.

So, to help you understand and master Amazon ads, I’ve created a FULL FREE course along with Janet Margot, a former Amazon Ads insider. Janet, who helped develop Amazon’s ad system, brings invaluable insights and expertise to the course.

And it's absolutely free. No…really, no catch, no nothing.  Just professional video training showing you exactly how I do Amazon Ads, and even how I did AMS campaigns for multi-NYT bestselling authors like Ted Dekker, and Pat Flynn.

Free Amazon Ads Course with Dave Chesson - Kindlepreneur
Get Access to the Free Course Here

In This Full Free Amazon Ads for Books Video Course:

In this course, you will learn the following:

Amazon Ads Course 2024 - profitability - Kindlepreneur

Part 1: Introduction to Amazon Ads

In this section of the course I will cover the basics to understanding what Amazon Ads are, how they benefit your book beyond just the sales they bring in, how to get more out of them and the best way an author should approach them:

  • What Are Amazon Ads and the Different Types
  • Benefits of Ads Beyond Direct Sales
  • Preparing Your Brand for Amazon Ads

Part 2: Setting Up Your Amazon Book Ad Campaign

In part 2, we go over the different types of ads, how t setup your account and your first Sponsored Product Ads, and Lockscreen ads.  We also do a detailed look at the new dashboard and how you can monitor and improve you ads over time.  Here, you'll also see my preferred layout, and customizations.

  • Setting Up Your First Amazon Book Ads Campaign
  • Understanding the Amazon Ads Dashboard

Part 3: The Importance of Relevance

In this section, we will roll up the sleeves a bit and get into some advanced tactics and concepts, starting with selecting the best keywords for your campaigns.  With these steps on how to find, and group keywords into campaigns, you'll start working like a legit Amazon ads author in no time:

  • The Old Approach To Amazon Ads
  • The New Approach To Amazon Ads
  • Consequences of Ads With Low Relevance
  • Benefits of Ads With High Relevance
  • How Amazon Views Ads

Part 4: Selecting Amazon Book Ad Keywords

In this section, we'll look at how you can read your running ads, and the steps you can do to not only improve them, but also grow them.  There are some great pieces of information that you can use to find out what is working and how to expand on them.  So, definitely don't miss out on this section.

  • The Art of Amazon Book Ad Keywords
  • Product Targeting vs Keyword Targeting
  • How to Find Profitable Amazon Book Ad Keywords
  • Grouping Your Keywords for Campaigns
  • Creating Amazon Ad Copy That Sells

Part 5: Optimizing & Managing Amazon Book Ad Campaigns

In this section, you’ll learn how to optimize and manage your Amazon ad campaigns effectively. We’ll cover key strategies such as bid adjustments, keyword monitoring, and campaign refreshing to ensure you achieve the highest ROI and lower costs per click. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to maintain and improve your ad performance continuously.

  • Monitoring your Amazon Book Ad Campaigns Like a Pro
  • Adjusting Your Bid
  • Refreshing Your Amazon Ad Campaigns
  • Creating New Ad Campaigns
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Can Amazon Ads Help Authors Sell More Books?

Can get getting your book in front of the right buyers help you sell more books?

Then yes! Most definitely. But it takes a little bit of work and analytics.

But, if you'd like to learn more about other authors and their AMS adventures, then check out the below case studies.  Each one consists of examples or tactics that an author employed with AMS and their results (And let me remind you, most of the authors below haven't taken any course, they just gave it a try – but you have access to my free course):

Podcast Episode – AMS Ads with Brian Meeks

Now, if those numbers scared, you.  Don't be.  My course will give you everything you need to understand and implement 😉

So, What Next?

Get started learning Amazon Ads for free.  Be sure to check out my full video course and start learning how you can get shoppers to see your book through Amazon's Ads system.

Get Access to the Free Course Here

So, be sure to sign up for my absolutely FREE AMS Advertisements for Books course and start getting your book discovered on Amazon.


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37 thoughts on “Free Amazon Book Advertisement Course: Ads for Authors [UPDATED 2024]

  1. Peggie Bobo

    Is this still current information for 2020? Just want to know before I dive in.

    1. Dave Chesson

      Yes. The course was just updated a couple of months ago.

  2. Gareth Southwell

    Hi Dave,

    Enjoying your course – very useful. Regarding negative keyword targeting, I want to exclude search terms that also include terms I want to appear for. So, I write philosophy books, but I want to exclude people searching for Philosophy cosmetics (yes, it’s a thing…). If I set a negative keyword of “philosophy cosmetics”, will that affect my appearance for “philosophy”? Should I just set a negative keyword of “cosmetics”?



    1. Dave Chesson

      I would just set it for “cosmetics”

  3. Pwat Khantikittikul

    Hi Dave! Great share 🙂
    Do you know how to run Amazon ads for a CreateSpace paper book?

  4. Arrmon

    Great article Dave! I was wondering if you know how to set up Amazon PPC ads for books that ONLY have a paperback version? I know most people say it can’t be done, but I have been seeing them lately on Amazon. They are paperback books published via CreateSpace and do not have an eBook version. I was curious to how to do this. Any information would be awesome!

    1. Johnny Wang

      i have the same questions, too

    2. Kurio Bolero

      Maybe these sellers are doing it via the Amazon Advantage Vendor program, or somekind of program that uses FBA fullfillment by Amazon: but you need to have a stock, and Amazon takes 45% of each sale…

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