Amazon Link Anatomy: What You Don’t Know Might Be Killing Your Reviews

Amazon URLs can be confusing.  Sometimes they are super short and other times they are three lines long.  So, what exactly is all that stuff in between?

As it turns out, an Amazon URL, or link path, tells Amazon an incredible amount of information and can be a powerful tool with your book rankings – if you know how to harness them or even control them!

More importantly, understanding what these links tell Amazon, can give you a major advantage in the market.

Don’t believe me?

Check out what we’ll be learning in this article and what kind of benefits understanding Amazon link structures will have on your sales:

  • Basic Amazon URL anatomy
  • How to conduct an Amazon search by ISBN
  • How to hide your footprint while getting reviews – stop getting non-family related reviews removed!

Yeah, you read that last one right.

Using the right links can help ensure reviews from your fans and friends don’t get deleted AND can even give you a leg up in searching amazon via an ISBN.

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But before we can dive into those two amazing benefits, you’ll need to understand the anatomy of an Amazon link and what all that gobbledygook at the end of the Amazon URL means.


Once you understand this basic link structure, you can start constructing your own Amazon links which can give you strong returns.

For the remainder of this article, I'm going to be using the book Outlining Your Novel by the uber talented author, K.M. Wieland. Katie is also the creator of one of my favorite writing websites, Helping Writers Become Authors and I highly recommend you check it out.

And with that, let's begin!

The Basic Amazon Link

The first thing we need to understand is that there are multiple Amazon websites.   While each has the name of “Amazon” , which market you go to is predicated by the Top Level Domain (TLD) at the end. So, if you want to go to the US market, then type in “.com” at the end.  If you want to go to Amazon's China website, then type in “.cn” at the end.

Here is  a complete list of those Amazon markets and their TLD.

United States:
United Kingdom:

For the examples below, I'll use the US version, which is “”  However, if you want to apply the below information to the Canadian market, then all you'll need to do is remove the “.com” and add the “.ca” to all the links below.

Simple, right?  Well, let's crank it up a notch.

Performing an Amazon Search Query

When you go to and type in a search term like “Outline a novel”, you'll get the following resulting Amazon link:

But let’s take a deep look at that Amazon Search URL and dissect it a little to see what it all means.

&field-keyword=Amazon Search URL anatomy for Keywords

This is what Amazon uses to identify which search results to show based on the keyword phrase you placed in it.  In this case, it has identified that we searched for: “outline+a+novel” with “+” separating the words.


Amazon links for searching

This is how Amazon tells itself to use the A9 Amazon search algorithm and create a search results page, automatically sorting books by the rankings for that particular keyword term.

If you want to learn more about how to get your book higher in this ranking, the check out my free copy of Amazon Book Rankings here.
The Ebook Sales Page Link

Back in the day when I was searching for my own book's link, I would go to, type in the title of my book, click on it, and copy that page's URL.

However, using that URL is a big mistake and I'll show you why.

If you did something like that, the link would look like this:

Amazon search URL with keywords for book

So, what is all of that?

For brevity sake, I am only going to focus on the parts you need to know about your book's Amazon sales page.

Your book's ASIN or 10-Digit ISBN
10 digit ISBN in a Amazon URL

Each book on Amazon is assigned a 10-digit Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) whenever a book doesn't have an ISBN number.  If your book has a 13-digit ISBN, then Amazon will use the 10 digit version of the ISBN.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is because of this that if you publish your book first on CreateSpace, and then publish a Kindle version, the CreateSpace book will rule and show up first on an “all categories” Amazon search.

We'll talk more about this a little later, but for now, just understand that number will play a big part in the “perfect link”.

Amazon Keywords Used to Find the Book

10 digit ISBN Keyword Search

Like our search query, this link shows the keywords we used in which to find the book.  It's fun to look at what other people typed to find their own book when they send me this long link.

The Tattle-Tale Tag

Amazon Sales Page reference mark that links

Okay, there is no official name for this tag, so I am going to deem it the “Tattle-Tale” tag. As far as I can tell, this is a time stamp and a marking for your unique search and selection.  This number tells amazon that at this particular time, your account made this page results.

Notice that the first time I did the search, the number was 1449906235

Now, when I do the same search using the same account and same IP address, I get the same exact link, except that this time the tattle-tale tag has changed to 1449907742

Therefore, as you can see, using a full-width URL on a search will leave a trail that goes back to you!  Now, this doesn't mean that everyone who clicks on that link, buys the book and leaves a review is going to have their review removed.  However, it does give a trail that leads back to you and it is my belief that this could increase your chances of having those reviews removed.

I conducted some experiments over time and found that a higher percentage of review attempts from the long URL were removed.  However, this is from statistics and not fact.  After all, Amazon doesn't exactly tell us what they use to remove reviews.

Makes sense though, right?

The Perfect Link To Send To Fans
The best link for Amazon book sales page

This is the form of the link that you would want to send to your fans so as to ensure that there are no identifiable markings, tags, or whatever, that will connect you to it.

Just the raw link that includes an abbreviated title/subtitle sub-URL and the ASIN.

For More Information of Why Reviews Get Deleted

So, we talked about the importance of the link, but check out the video below to learn more about what else can get your reviews deleted:

Want more videos like this? Then click HERE to subscribe to my YouTube channel

Amazon Search by ISBN ASIN and 10-Digit ISBN

Like we discussed above, the ASIN and ISBN (10 and 13-digit version), are actually interchangeable.

So to help you find what you are looking for when searching for books via an ISBN, ASIN, or 10-digit ISBN, I've developed a quick cheat sheet to use.  Plus, understanding how these numbers work and are intertwined within Amazon, will help you with understanding your own link structure creation.

If you have the ISBN of a book and want to find that particular book on Amazon, then use Amazon's advanced search located here:

Fill in the ISBN number and Amazon will take you directly to it.

Need Help with Your Keywords?

Take my full featured video course on how to select the best keywords and categories for your book.

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Converting an ASIN to an ISBN

If you pulled the ASIN from an Amazon URL like we discussed above, you can convert it to a 10-digit ISBN or 13-Digit ISBN by using the following ASIN to ISBN converter:

Converting ISBN to ASIN

Again, if a book has an ISBN, then the 10-digit version of the ISBN will be the acting ASIN (for the purpose of building the Amazon search URL). All you  need to do is just place the 13-digit ISBN number into the Library of Congress' ISBN converter and it will produce the 10-digit version which will act as your ASIN.

So, let's go over what we've learned.

If you do the method of searching for your book, finding it and clicking on it, and using that URL, you'll leave a tag that attaches your account to that link and lets Amazon know that you sent the link to whoever clicked it.   This causes a red flag and heightens the probability that the review is tainted and will be deleted.

Again, that's not always the case, but it's just one more way of telling Amazon that you have a connection to that person.

So, the best link to send to someone is the following:

The best link for Amazon book sales page

NOT this one:

Amazon search URL with keywords for book

Plus if you are an Amazon keyword person like me, you definitely don't want to show everyone which keywords your book is ranking for by sending out the link directly above.  That's like broadcasting “hey guys, this is my keyword phrase that is totally making my book get bought by more people.”

Alrighty, well thank you for sticking to the end and reading all about the wacky wild world of what an Amazon search URL is, the perfect Amazon links for reviews, and conducting an Amazon search ISBN function.



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61 thoughts on “Amazon Link Anatomy: What You Don’t Know Might Be Killing Your Reviews

  1. brandon cullum

    Great stuff as always. If i’m using my affiliate link do you think that could trigger Amazon in a review has come from that link?

    1. kindlepreneur

      I don’t think so, although you AFF link is more than likely tied to your KDP account. Sure there isn’t a QIP tag in the AFF link, but there is a AFF Tag.

  2. Edward Antrobus

    Like Tom, I had always been taught to use a link with your keywords for the extra link juice. Of course that was well before Amazon started deleting reviews willy-nilly.
    Do you think it would work if you went to Amazon while not logged in or in an incognito tab?
    I’ve been pretty consistently in the top 100 free sci-fi short reads list, so I’ve always tried to share a link that comes from clicking on the book from that list.

    1. kindlepreneur

      Here’s my thoughts on the QID: The QID is a time stamp…actually it is the number of seconds since 1970 to be exact. My belief is that for each of the seconds, there is a log that records the account, and what it purchased. If say, 3 days later someone goes back through that link, they are accessing something that is “back in time”. This is an unnatural query and gets tagged as such. Its as if someone went back in time to make the same search that someone else did…

      So, what about a Keyword search without the QID? Well, let’s put it this way, is there any way that your Keyword rich search without a QID looks natural? My belief is that the link you’ve created without the QID causes a 301 redirect to the book’s sales page (since you have the bare link inside of it) and that whole part about the Keywords is disregarded. Basically, an unnatural link probably has no value or affect like you are looking for….and keeping in your QID just links you and that person and tags you as connected.

  3. Effrosyni Moschoudi

    Dave, you’re a genius! Thank you so much for sharing this post. I never thought this type of link can catch you out. Of course, it makes sense. I’ve never had my own reviews deleted, then again I don’t use this type of link but I can advise my friends now who’ve been suffering 😉 I use an even shorter link that doesn’t include the name of the book. Just the DP bit and the ASIN, and I always add my affiliate link to that via so the reader always goes to their local store while I get my commission. Anyway, I am mostly grateful about that tidbit of information re the benefit of publishing on Createspace first so you can have a 10-digit ISBN as opposed to an ASIN. I wish you’d elaborate on that – maybe another time? I’d love to know why you think this helps. Also, it totally evaded me why I would want to convert an ASIN to an ISBN and vice versa? You mean that if I convert my ASIN to an ISBN on and use it in my links, my book will get more success on Amazon with searches? And how will Amazon know this is my book? It won’t be the ISBN Amazon has assigned to my book’s paperback, so how will it know what book to display? Sorry if I’m sounding thick – that bit went straight over my head. Kindly explain – thank you, you’re the man!
    p.s. Another possible way that Amazon may know an author is connected to a reader, I believe, is when that reader keeps upticking that author’s reviews (click ‘yes’ if helpful). It’s best not to uptick reviews if you’re an author…

  4. Tom

    I wonder if this would be the ideal structure then for keywords:







    1. kindlepreneur

      Creating the above link would be unnatural and in my opinion, the A9 algorithm (Amazon’s search engine) probably would just 301 redirect to the bare link, and disregard the keyword aspect of your tactic. What I mean by unnatural, is that there is no way, through Amazon, that you could find that particular link, so technically, what you are building doesn’t exist. So, the A9 would disregard the backend portion.

  5. Tom

    You miss out on the ranking juice from having keywords associated with this link you’re sharing though…. I haven’t had many issues with deleted reviews but would hate to lose out on having a super url that boosts my books for key keywords 🙂

    regardless – great breakdown of amazon’s url structure!

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