Scribe Media Review

I recently had the pleasure of meeting the team behind Scribe Media.

I’d long been aware of Tucker Max. Heck, one of his books even briefly features in an older Kindlepreneur article! So you can bet I was excited to learn that he was part of the team behind a new book publishing service.

scribe media review hope they serve beer in hell

As I was chatting to Tucker I became curious about Scribe Media. I’m always keen to dig deep into any services within the book world and see what they have to offer. I agreed to check out Scribe Media in further depth. I’d like to share my thoughts with you today on Kindlepreneur.

I’d like to be clear that this is my honest and full take on Scribe Media. Just because I have met the guys behind the service, it hasn’t impacted my opinion at all.

In today’s article, you will learn:

  • Who Scribe Media Are
  • The Services Scribe Media Offer
  • Essential Facts About Scribe Media, Such As Pricing

Let’s get to it!

What is Scribe Media, and who's behind it?

scribe media review scribe logo

The brainwave behind Scribe Media came in response to Tucker Max being asked by entrepreneurs how they could create a book to better share and expand on their ideas.

Tucker almost had a stock response to such situations. He had a somewhat low opinion of people who wanted the benefits of a book without putting in the blood, sweat, and tears to actually sit down and create one.

However, Tucker’s opinion was turned on its one day. During an interaction with a fellow entrepreneur, Tucker reframed the way he saw the problem in his head. His role was to facilitate solutions, not to judge others.

He then further realized that many of the best books in history exist to convey the ideas of others. The ideas contained in the books didn’t necessarily need to have been written by the person who thought of them. Surely it was conveying the message and the value of it that mattered? Not who actually put pen to paper?

Scribe Media was born on the back of that realization.

Just to be clear, we’re looking at a truly premium company here. They have major household names on either side of the equation, both working for the company and being served by Scribe Media.

Just to give a few examples:

  • Tucker Max is a bestselling blockbuster writer and has worked with major names such as Tim Ferriss.
  • Scribe Media have been featured by blockbuster publications such as Forbes and Business Insider.
  • Scribe specialize in helping entrepreneurs and other high-profile individuals further their platforms and careers through the method of books.

We’ll go in detail on the specific services offered by Scribe below. Just to be clear from the offset – this is a premium service at a premium price point.

So now that you know a little bit about the reason for Scribe Media, let’s check out the particular range of services they offer.

Scribe Media Review – Services Offered

Scribe Media offer book services focused on four key areas:

  • Scribe Book Writing.
  • Scribe Guided Author.
  • Scribe Publishing.
  • Scribe Book Launch.

We’ll explore exactly what each entails, and what it costs, below.

Scribe Media Review – Scribe Book Writing

The clue to what Scribe Media does is in the name – it’s a company based around scribes!

The basic premise is that many entrepreneurs, thought-leaders and pioneers in their fields have a wealth of experience and information. Many people would benefit from their insights and thoughts if they were able to access them.

However, many of these people don’t have the time, inclination, or sometimes know-how to create a book.

That’s where Scribe comes in.

The Scribe Book Writing Service is at the core of what the organization does. It allows busy, successful people with ideas worth sharing to get them out there.

So what is the process by which Scribe Book Writing creates a book, and how much does it cost?

  • Strategy Consultation

Scribe are a selective company, and don’t work with everyone. If you are interested in their writing service, the first stage is talking to a strategy consultant. They will make sure you understand the process, are a good fit for it, and have a genuinely plausible book idea ready.

  • North Star

The second stage of the process is where Scribe takes your initial spark of an idea and makes it something more concrete. During this stage you will clearly define who your audience are, the purpose of your book, and the benefits you personally want to gain by creating and releasing it.

  • Outlining

The outlining phase of Scribe’s process is very thorough. It involves a series of four meetings with your outliner. The outlining team at Scribe consists of editors and other heavyweights within the world of book publishing. After going back and forth with your specialist outliner, you will have a 10-20 page, carefully revised outline document to move forward with into stage four.

  • Interviews

This is the part of the process where Scribe media earn their name – a series of interviews with an actual scribe! You will go through several calls of about an hour to two hours. There are typically around 5 or 6 calls, although the number isn’t hard and fast. Basically, this stage continues until the Scribe feels they have everything they need from you in order to put your ideas down on the page in a meaningful and representative way.

  • Editing

Once your Scribe has all of the information from the interview phase, they produce a chapter of your book. You then review this to ensure it has the right feel and tone and is an authentic representation of your voice as an author. You will then receive the rest of the book in stages, and you can give feedback and request changes as needed.

  • Publishing and Distribution

Scribe create a book cover for you, based on your agreed vision for the book. You also choose your distribution. In terms of book distribution, Scribe are flexible. They are open to going exclusive with Amazon, or going wide, and have the experience and information needed to discuss this with you, so you can make an informed choice.

  • Marketing

Once your book is ready to go, Scribe are there to coordinate a marketing campaign for you. They help to get the word out initially and create a buzz behind your book at the time of its launch, in terms of reviews and initial sales. Scribe also provides access to a full book marketing course so you can grow your knowledge in this area.

Now you know the process by which Scribe create a book, let’s check out the pricing for this service, and the different options available.

Scribe Professional

This service gets you all of the above outlined steps.

The total price is $40,000, payable in 8 monthly installments of $5,000.

Scribe Elite

Scribe Elite provides all of the steps found above, as well as some additional extras. If you opt for Scribe Elite, your Scribe is guaranteed to be an award-winning author. This author then flies out to you in person. You also get audiobook creation and a heavier PR campaign at the time of your book launch.

Scribe Elite costs a $120,000 minimum investment.

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Scribe Media Review – Scribe Guided Author

If you want to write your own book, but are unsure of whether it’s a good idea, or the exact process to follow, Scribe Guided Author is the right option for your needs.

scribe media review guided author

Scribe Guided Author is a yearly program which works on the following basis:

  • You visit Austin, Texas for an event in which you work face to face with the Scribe team to come up with a concrete plan for your book, involving step by step action steps.
  • You then go back home to write. You have a full year to complete your book. Along the way, you get weekly calls with the Scribe team. This helps you to be accountable and ensures that you don’t feel lost or alone along the way.
  • Once your book is ready to publish, Scribe take over. They handle the formatting, release, and distribution for your newly written work.

This is a good option if you’re a writer who wants to write, but needs guidance in terms of the process, and you want to have distribution handled for you.

So how much does Scribe Guided Author cost?

Scribe Guided Author is priced at $18,000, payable in 12 monthly installments of $1,500.

Scribe Media Review – Scribe Publishing

So what if you’ve already written a book, and simply want to get it out there? Does Scribe Media have anything to offer, or are you better served elsewhere?

If you already have a book, you can enlist Scribe Publishing to polish it and get it out there into the world for you.

So what exactly does Scribe Publishing have to offer?

  • Book cover design. These really are some amazing looking book covers, but then again you’d expect that for the price point. You will benefit from award-winning cover designers who have worked on NYT bestselling books.
  • Interior Layout. If you’ve ever read a Tucker Max book, you’ll know it looks awesome inside. Scribe Publishing ensure your layout and format does your work justice.
  • Distribution and Royalties. Scribe set these all up in your own name. This is key. You own all your work, all the rights to it, and all the royalties. Scribe’s payment really is a one-off thing.
  • Creation. Scribe will create both ebook and physical versions of your work.
  • Marketing. You get a professional marketing consult, access to a full marketing course, and 50 free copies of your book to do with as you will.

Now you know what the Publishing arm of Scribe have to offer, how much will it set you back?

To get all of the above, you pay Scribe a total of $15,000, payable in 5 monthly installments of $3,000

Scribe Media Review – My Final Take

Thanks for checking out my review of Scribe Media.

Overall, I feel that it truly is a premium service. They are selective in who they work with, and it won’t be a good fit for every author’s journey or budget.

However, if you want to work with some of the best names in the publishing industry, and have a truly premium book of impeccable quality at the end of the process, Scribe are well worth your attention.

Have you had any experiences with Scribe? Anything to highlight or warn others about?

It would be awesome to hear from you in the comments!

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