Ginger Software Review: Features, Pricing, Pros and Cons

Welcome to this review of Ginger Software, the spell checker and grammar proofreading software.

Everybody needs a good proofreading tool, especially if you write for a living (or want to write for a living). And there are a lot out there.

See our list of the best proofreading software for a complete breakdown of each one, along with our top recommendation.

But how does Ginger hold up? That is the question I am answering with this article, my full overview of its features, pricing, pros, and cons.

In this article, you will learn:
  1. What Ginger software is
  2. How to use Ginger software
  3. An overview of its features
  4. What I liked
  5. What I didn't

We rank Ginger as #3 on our list of best proofreading software, but it might be the best for you, depending on your situation, so read on to learn more about what makes Ginger so great.

What Qualifies Me to Talk About Ginger?

So I've been writing for many years, and writing professionally through both my books, Kindlepreneur, my other websites, and other forms of employment.

I've been using a spellchecker for all of that time.

Additionally, for this review, I tested Ginger and a ton of other tools to really understand which was the best, and to understand the intricacies that make make a program like Ginger more appropriate for some, while another program like ProWritingAid or Grammarly might be better for others.

Plus, before I put together this review, I reached out to Kindlepreneur's audience to get a general overview of what they thought was the best proofreading software

So with that in mind, let's dive in to the meat of the review.

What Is Ginger Software?

Ginger software is a proofreading tool that is powered by AI. It was founded in 2007, and has consistently made many lists of the best proofreading software, right along with Grammarly and ProWritingAid. We currently list it in our top four proofreading tools.

AI and machine learning makes Ginger an efficient and accurate software, and it comes equipped with a lot of different features that are useful for bloggers, SEO writers, and students, especially if those students are studying a second language.

The service features a translation tool, which is one of the few things that sets it apart above its competitors.

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How Does Ginger Work?

Big Editor in Ginger Software

Once you have set up a Ginger account, you can download the app onto your PC or Mac, or even smart device, and use it from there.

However, Ginger is an online-only program, meaning that you will need to be connected to the Internet to use it. This is due to the AI functionality that is hosted on external servers.

Once you have everything installed, you can check for spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and other ways in which you can improve your writing.

Due to Ginger's AI functionality, Ginger can adapt to your way of writing, and help coach you in specific areas where your writing needs work.

How Much Does Ginger Cost?

Ginger has a free option and a premium option. The premium option can be further broken down into three tiers, depending on how long you subscribe for:

  • Monthly: $13.99/month
  • Quarterly: $11.19/month
  • Annually: $6.99/month
  • Two years: $4.99/month

If you know that Ginger software is right for you, you will definitely save more money with the annual plan. That said, maybe you just want to try it out for a month, and so the monthly plan might be better in the short term.

There are frequent sales on Ginger, so watch out for lower prices than those listed above.

Is there a free version of Ginger?

Yes, there is a free version of Ginger, and it is actually quite substantial.

The free version of Ginger allows you to use the grammar and spelling tools, though there is a limit to the number of corrections you can make with those tools.

Other features, such as the translation feature, are only usable with the premium version.

It is very similar to Grammarly's free version of their software.

Ginger Software Features: Everything You Get

Now let's get into the meat and potatoes of this review. Ginger has a lot of unique features, and here's a list of the ones I will cover today:

  • Design and ease-of-use
  • The Ginger grammar checker
  • The sentence re-Frazier
  • Text-to-speech
  • The Ginger translator
  • The dictionary
  • The personal dictionary
  • The emoji feature

So let's dive right in…

1. Design and Ease-Of-Use

A lot of the editing tools out there can be a little lackluster when it comes to design. But Ginger actually has UX design going for it.

With some of their newer design changes, it doesn't take too long to understand how to use it.

I also found it extremely easy to install, and it was also not hard to get the Chrome extension to run seamlessly on my browser.

Side note: I actually wrote this article and proofread it using their Chrome plug-in.

2. Grammar Checker

Obviously, for authors, the Ginger grammar checker is the most important feature of the software. So how does Ginger hold up?

When compared to other programs such as ProWritingAid and Grammarly, I found Ginger to perform roughly the same. And most of the time, all of the reports of grammar mistakes, punctuation checker, sentence structure suggestions and the overall rating to be accurate.

This tool is great for non-native English speakers as well, since its AI allows it to understand from context what you meant to say. It can then give more accurate suggestions that flow a little more naturally for native speakers.

Overall, the grammar checker is a solid competitor to other mainstream tools in the space.

3. Sentence Rephraser 

Like many other tools, such as Quillbot, Ginger lets you rephrase content using its AI.

One of the great things that sets Ginger apart, however, is that it will identify run-on sentences or hard to read sentences, and give you a rephrased suggestion for that passage.

It's worth noting, however, that this tool is only available on the premium account, which turns this tool from a generic grammar and spelling checker to more of a writing coach.

And speaking of which…

5. Text-To-Speech

Many authors will have used a text-to-speech program, or read their own work out loud, in order to find clunky sentences and bad grammar.

Well, Ginger comes with a text-to-speech feature, which will read your work aloud for you, making it much easier to proofread your work and catch all of those little mistakes.

It's a simple but effective technique, made even easier with Ginger software.

However, since text-to-speech programs are not entirely hard to find, I would not call this a game changing feature. But it is a nice touch.

6. Ginger Translator

The translator is, by far, the single biggest feature that sets it apart from other competitors like Grammarly or ProWritingAid.

Ginger allows you to translate your work into 50 other languages. But that's not even the best part. Once you have translated it, Ginger will help you proofread the text in those languages.

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The AI compares your tax to other sentences across the Internet that are written in the language you are trying to translate to, to make sure it reads as best as possible.

However, I have heard from other reviewers that the translation is not much better than Google Translate (which, while getting better, still has a long way to go).

So while this is a potentially game changing feature, it needs to give us a real reason why it is better than Google Translate. That said, Google Translate does not let you check grammar in 50 languages, so Ginger does have that going for it.

7. Dictionary

Like many other proofreading tools, Ginger has a dictionary feature that lets you have instant definitions for any of the words you use, so you can understand them better. It also has a thesaurus, so you can easily find other words that are similar and use those in your writing instead.

8. Personal Dictionary

With the personal dictionary, you can add any special words that you don't want corrected, such as names and other unusual words. This is a useful feature for authors who might have unique words used in their stories.

9. Emoji Feature

While certainly not a game changer, I thought this was a fun feature: the emoji's. Ginger's emoji features lets you have hundreds of different emojis at your fingertips, so you can include them in your writing wherever you need them.

While not necessary for academic papers, or most types of writing, it can be useful when you're typing into social media and using Ginger in the Chrome browser.

10. Platforms and Integrations

Ginger software is available on a wide variety of platforms. These include:

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • IOS
  • Android
  • Browser extensions: Chrome, Safari, edge (but not Firefox)

Ginger also has a Microsoft Word add-in to use within the program itself, which is very helpful.

There are a couple of notable exceptions to the above platforms. For one, Google Docs is not supported, although you can use the browser extensions. Second, there is no web browser version, meaning you cannot copy and paste your text into any window on Ginger's website. Instead, you have to use the browser extension or installable software, which can be a bit frustrating.

11. Ginger Support

While I didn't have much of a chance to interact with Ginger team, the research I have done from other reviewers and customer reviews suggest that their support team is responsive and helpful.

However, there are a few major issues with the support:

First, the knowledge base is not very helpful. There are a handful of articles, but little to help you with many more common problems.

Second, there is no chat bot support, which would've been a handy feature to have with urgent issues that need some kind of live chat to resolve.

There was also no phone support, and so Ginger's support still leaves much to be desired.

12. Accessibility Support

Ginger’s algorithm was founded for people with writing disorders such as dyslexia. Their big focus is to help everyone write through their assistive technology. You can find out more on their Dyslexia page here

Additionally, Ginger has been tested and certified to comply with all of the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines for accessibility. So that's a big plus if you have special needs in this area.

Pros: What I Liked about Ginger

Ginger has a lot of good things going for it. Here is a list of my favorites:

  • Unlimited premium use: if you sign up for the premium tier, you will have access to those features as much as you want. There are no limits. This is in contrast to services like Quillbot, that just increase the limit that you have.
  • Great for catching spelling and grammar errors: overall I found Ginger to be equally as effective as its peers at catching grammar and spelling errors. Its accuracy was on par with Grammarly and ProWritingAid, and it exhibits a lot of complex analysis of your text.
  • Easy to use with multiple browsers (but not Firefox): Ginger is accessible on almost any platform that you could want, from Mac and Windows, to various browsers. The only major exception is Firefox, which does not have a browser plug-in.
  • Translation: the fact that the service has a translation component is a big plus in my opinion. This is especially useful for people learning a second language who want some grammatical help in doing so.
  • One-click correction feature: one click correction allows you to save time and write 5x faster since you don’t have to individually accept every single correction. 

Cons: What I Didn't like about Ginger

For all its helpful features, there are a few things about Ginger that are missing or could be improved. Here are a few:

  • Translation accuracy: while Ginger is the only proofreading software that I know of that comes with translation services, the accuracy is not much better than Google translate. In order to really be valuable, I would hope that it would be a lot better.
  • Poor reporting: Ginger has some advanced reporting, but it pales in comparison to its competitors, namely ProWritingAid and Grammarly. When it comes to overall reporting and analytics, I would choose one of those programs instead.
  • No plagiarism detector: both Grammarly and ProWritingAid provide a plagiarism detector. However, Ginger does not have this feature, which is a major step back from it its competitors.
  • Poor customer service: while the customer service staff are friendly and helpful, there were too many things that needed work in the customer support department. A poor knowledge base and the lack of a chat box makes me feel like this area needs work.

Ginger Alternatives

How does Ginger stack up with its leading competitors:

Ginger Versus Grammarly

On the whole, especially when it comes to grammar checking, Ginger is not much better or worse than Grammarly. Grammarly is also more expensive than Ginger, giving it the edge there. However, Grammarly has a plagiarism checker, so if you need that particular feature, Grammarly is a better option.

Ginger versus ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid is my number one pick for the best grammar checker, as it has incredibly advanced proofreading options, a plagiarism checker, and a lot more.

The only reason why I would pick Ginger over ProWritingAid is if you are a student studying a second language, and you want help developing your grammatical skills for that language. Otherwise, ProWritingAid is the way to go.

Be sure to check out my coupon to get 20% off your purchase of the lifetime ProWritingAid service, or check out my in-depth review here.

Ginger Software Security

Since you are using 1/3-party software that runs in the cloud, it is natural to have a few security concerns.

  • Do they own any copyright to your work?
  • Can anyone hack your work?
  • Do they keep any of your information?

Thankfully, you can rest at ease. Ginger is a very safe and secure program to use.

They don't keep any of your information on hand, they don't store or send your information to anyone else, and they do not own any copyright to any work that you have produced.

In other words, you can trust Ginger to help check your grammar and spelling, and never have to worry about security concerns.

Ginger Reviews from around the Internet

What do the general public think about Ginger?

Most seem to find it to have a robust set of features, affordable pricing, and particularly helpful for those learning a second language (whether that be English or another language).

Overall, the reception is positive.

However, there are a few areas where improvement could be made. For one, there is no integration with Google Docs, OpenOffice, or LibreOffice. Second, there is no plagiarism checker or web version of the software.

But overall, it is a solid program, and that is reflected in the reviews.

Be sure to check out my full comparison with the other best proofreading tools out there, along with individual reviews of the following:

Verdict: Ginger Software Review

Overall, I find Ginger software to be a solid proofreading option for many authors. I definitely place it in the top three of all paid proofreading tools.

However, when compared to ProWritingAid, my top pick for best proofreading software, it still lacks a little in functionality. It would be nice to have a plagiarism checker, and an even more robust grammar checker. Not to mention integration with Google Docs.

That said, Ginger is really good for a specific group of people. If you are doing any kind of translations, or are trying to learn a second language, Ginger may be perfect for you. The translation service, as well as its context-aware suggestions, are perfect for those who don't quite understand the language they are writing in.

If that is you, then feel free to give Ginger a look.

Download Ginger Today

FAQ about Ginger Software

Which is better, Grammarly or Ginger?

Four overall performance, Grammarly is better than Ginger. However, if you are looking to have translation services, Ginger may be a better option for you, as it is perfect for those learning a second language.

Which is better, ProWritingAid or Ginger?

When it comes to the grammar checker, ProWritingAid is a better software. It also has a plagiarism checker which Ginger does not have. However if you are looking to learn a second language, and want help with your grammar, Ginger may be a better option for you.

Does Ginger work in Google Docs?

No, Ginger does not work in Google Docs. However, you can use the browser plug-ins for Chrome, Microsoft edge, or Safari in order to use Ginger within Google Docs. Otherwise, there is no additional plug-in or extension to add to Google Docs, unlike ProWritingAid or Grammarly.

Is Ginger software safe?

Yes, Ginger is completely safe and secure online. It never stores any of your data, you have full copyright everything you write, and your information is secure as it travels online. This is true of both the free and premium versions of Ginger.

Is Ginger software free?

There is a free version of the basic Ginger grammar checker and spellcheck, but doing so is limited. In order to take advantage of the full features that Ginger offers, you will need to upgrade to the premium version. See the pricing breakdown above for what that looks like. Currently, there is no lifetime version.

Is Ginger accurate?

So far, there seems to be little difference between the accuracy of Ginger and other programs like ProWritingAid and Grammarly. However, ProWritingAid is clearly the best when it comes to the number of writing style checks that it offers. That is why I recommend ProWritingAid first.

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