Prolific Works vs BookFunnel: Which is Better for Your Book?

Prolific Works vs BookFunnel.

Let's get real here.

On the surface, these two platforms appear very similar. But while each can be great for your book when used correctly, they have very different strengths. In this article, I'll break down what you need to know about each service to decide which might be right for you.

In this article, you will learn:

  • The similarities and differences between Prolific Works and BookFunnel
  • How Prolific Works can really soup up your acquisition of new readers
  • How distribution can be made easy through BookFunnel
  • How each program will affect your marketing budget
  • The answer to the biggest question: Are either of them really worth it?

Prolific Works

Formerly known as Instafreebie, Prolific Works is one of the best platforms for authors looking to hand out free giveaways, Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs), and sneak peeks. This is awesome for authors still growing their fanbase and building their author brand. They provide public, shareable links that your readers can distribute.

If you're a fan of Derek Murphy's philosophy on Book Marketing, Prolific Works can help you build your targeted list of readers and promote to them (For more info on Derek's way of thinking, check out his YouTube for great bits of wisdom.)


BookFunnel is a top notch distribution platform. From reader magnets to certified mail ARCs to distributing free eBook copies at a writer's conference, BookFunnel can make these tasks much easier. They provide a Private, not shareable link. This is amazing for preventing book pirating. Nothing worse then giving your book away to one person and then finding out 100 people have it.

BookFunnel also prides itself on its customer service platform. Their job really kicks into full swing after they've distributed your book. Often times, you'll have individuals unable to actually open the link to your book for whatever reason. Instead of you having to answer each email and message, BookFunnel handles customer support for you. This allows you to focus more on moving forward and less on resolving past issues.

What do they each offer?

Prolific WorksBookFunnel
ARC Distribution
Helps Build Reader Network
Shareable Links
Private Links
Public Links
Custom Landing Pages
Email Program Integration
Giveaway and Email Tracking

As you can see, these programs have quite a bit in common. But each has its own individual strength. Prolific Works is great acquiring new readers, while BookFunnel has awesome customer support, piracy control, and distribution.

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Acquire New Readers with Prolific Works

The key strength of Prolific Works is building your contact list and reaching out to new readers. While BookFunnel does have these capabilities, the power of Prolific Works is pretty amazing.

After uploading your work to their database, you can create a new outreach giveaway campaign for that book. This will be your main driving force behind growing an engaged audience. How this is accomplished is pretty simple. It's a public link that when followed gives readers access to your work. Now, this doesn't just mean your current email list.

This means everyone who sees your link and clicks.

There are two options when it comes to using this type of outreach giveaway as well.

Optional Opt-In

This choice allows anyone access to your work without having to sign up for your mailing list.

Mandatory Opt-In

With Mandatory Opt-In, readers must first sign up to your mailing list in order to access the material.

This might seem like an easy choice. Make your readers sign up, right?

Well, you'd be surprised that mandatory opt-in is not the recommendation. You see, mandatory opt-in may sound awesome at first. But its the more likely option to provide you with less lifetime readers. Email blasts can have a positive effect. However, if you aren't retaining those efforts… That's not so good.

With optional opt-in, the readers that do sign up are much more likely to stay. They were the ones to choose to follow you, remember? Optional opt-ins can really help you build a concrete fan base.

This just your basic outreach giveaway too. Just about every facet of your giveaway can be customized. And that's super legit. But one thing all of these giveaways have in common is a shareable link.

Post this link in your emails, newsletters, social media, or anywhere else you can think of. This can help you build new readership, reward your current audience, and help you gain valuable feedback and reviews.

So, when it comes to expanding your user base…

Prolific Works vs BookFunnel: Prolific Works FTW.

Distribution Made Easy Through BookFunnel

In the Prolific Works vs BookFunnel showdown, BookFunnel comes out on top when it applies to distribution of your book. It's a pretty simple concept too.

First, you upload your book to BookFunnel. This would be just like when you upload to Amazon, Kobo, or some other platform. After doing so, you will receive a unique link to your book. You can then share this link to specific clients in order for them to download. This is great for sending out private Beta copies to your test readers and selected few. This link cannot be shared by the testers to outside individuals either.

Book Funnel also makes your life easier with other free eBook giveaways due to its fantastic customer support. As you may know, I am a staunch believer in top-notch customer support. And BookFunnel provides just that.

Have you ever conducted a mass free eBook giveaway only to be hounded with email responses? Emails that normally read, “I got the files, but now what?”

These emails do need to be addressed, but it can be draining to go through each one. But thanks to BookFunnel, their support team handles all of this with precise instructions on how your readers can get it onto their Kindles. This leaves you with more time to further your campaign.

As you can see Prolific Works and BookFunnel do similar things, but their approaches are very different.

The Costs of Prolific Works and BookFunnel

Both Prolific Works and BookFunnel have 3 levels of service.

Prolific Works Pricing Table

  • Unlimited Distribution and Giveaways
  • Customer Support for Readers
  • One Author Page and Pen Name
  • Everything in Basic
  • Mailing List Building with Subscribers
  • MailChimp or MailLite integration
  • Prolific Works Acceleration
  • Customizable Giveaways
  • Giveaway Success Tracking
  • Everything in Plus
  • Personalized Giveaway Branding 
  • Up to 5 Author Pages and Pen Names

BookFunnel Pricing Table

First-Time AuthorMid-List AuthorBest Seller
  • One Pen Name
  • 500 Downloads/Month 
  • Up to 5 Books Stored 
  • Custom Landing Pages
  • Direct Sales Discovery
  • Group Promos
  • 2 Pen Names
  • 5000 Downloads/Month 
  • Unlimited Books Stored 
  • Custom Landing Pages 
  • Direct Sales Delivery
  • Group Promos
  • Collect Reader Emails 
  • Watermarked Files 
  • Secure ARC Delivery 
  • Book Gifting
  • Printable Download Codes
  • 3 Pen Names
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Unlimited Books Stored
  • Custom Landing Pages
  • Direct Sales Delivery
  • Group Promos
  • Collect Reader Emails
  • Watermarked Files
  • Integrate with 3 Mailing Lists 
  • Secure ARC Delivery
  • Book Gifting 
  • Printable Download Codes
  • Priority Support 

Prolific Works vs BookFunnel: Are they worth it?

In a Versus article, I should pick a clear and concise winner. But I just can't do that. Each of these programs have their individual strengths that should each be taken advantage of.

Prolific Works is pretty amazing if you're looking for outreach and gaining new readers! And Bookfunnel makes your life ten thousand time easier when it comes to your book's distribution. SO… why not use both?

Using these two in tandem could be a viable strategy. So instead of pitting them against each other, let them both help you reach your writing goals.


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