Comments on: Learn How to Write Faster [26 Tips for Writers] Book Marketing for Self-Publishing Authors Wed, 11 Oct 2023 20:42:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave Chesson Sun, 02 May 2021 02:16:51 +0000 In reply to Carolyn Rae Williamson.

Oh wow, super cool and thanks. That means a lot to hear.

By: Dave Chesson Sun, 02 May 2021 02:16:32 +0000 In reply to Alan Felyk.

Oh, nice!

By: Dave Chesson Sun, 02 May 2021 02:15:58 +0000 In reply to Paul Zimmer.

Consistency is key!

By: Dave Chesson Sun, 02 May 2021 02:15:36 +0000 In reply to D.Pankhurst.

Nice and yeah, I like those too. Avoid those rabbit holes!

By: Dave Chesson Sun, 02 May 2021 02:15:06 +0000 In reply to MJ.

Nice and I can’t even imagine hitting 100 wpm…oy.

By: Dave Chesson Sun, 02 May 2021 02:14:30 +0000 In reply to Jordan Ring.

Yeah, I like those too…and thanks!

By: Dave Chesson Sun, 02 May 2021 02:14:01 +0000 In reply to MJ Mumford.

Awesome and super glad you enjoyed it!

By: MJ Mumford Fri, 30 Apr 2021 13:50:43 +0000 I can’t even begin to tell you how helpful this article was to me right now.

I just wanted to throw a tip out to Vanja, who mentioned not being able to bookmark webpages. I email links to myself and then move them to specific folders in my gmail such as Writing Tips, Marketing, Wordpress Help, etc.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go turn off my wifi and squiggles.

By: Jordan Ring Fri, 30 Apr 2021 09:35:24 +0000 ) help my writing. I'm scared to test my words per minute, it's probably quite low... 😭 But hunkering down into undisturbed writing time and then just getting words down on the page even if they are horrible has helped me a ton. Great article and thanks for the helpful info!]]> Techniques 5 and 3, and definitely 13 (🎂) help my writing. I’m scared to test my words per minute, it’s probably quite low… 😭 But hunkering down into undisturbed writing time and then just getting words down on the page even if they are horrible has helped me a ton. Great article and thanks for the helpful info!

By: Anne Greening Fri, 30 Apr 2021 06:02:49 +0000 Some of us have physical constraints which limit typing speed. I can no longer attain the wpm count that I reached at typing school, seven decades ago – and that time span should give you a clue why. Arthritis. Another constraint for mature typists is the general slowing-down of the thought processes. This has been slightly ameliorated by chucking out my digital keyboards and buying one of those mechanical jobs, designed for gamers. Its action is similar to that of the old-fashioned typewriter that I learned to type on many years ago. And the keys make a comforting click as you type.

Then there are the mental barriers. How does a perfectionist control freak grammar Nazi with ADHD manage to stop editing on the fly? I know I’m doing it. I know it’s wrong, But I cannot leave that back-space button along. I cannot wait to find that “mot juste” before moving on.
his latter problem is compounded by temporarily losing a word that I know perfectly well – a normal issue for an ageing brain. The discovery that Word has a built-in Thesaurus has at least cut down the interruption time of leaving the page and resorting to Google. Oh; and did I mention that I’m a pantster?

Nonethless, I entered the NaNoWriMo challenge two years ago. Despite my poor writing habits, I aced it. I knocked off what turned out to be the first draft of my first novel in 23 days. 50200 words in 23 days is not too shabby.

But I don’t have a time problem. I’m a pensioner living alone, so I can write whenever the fancy takes me – and it takes me most of the time. So I’ll accept my speed limitations and bumble along in my own adorable, scatty way. And If I spend half-an-hour writing a 323 word comment on a blog at the expense of myh wip; so-be-it. I just enjoy writing. Anything.

By: MJ Fri, 30 Apr 2021 05:26:01 +0000 Woohoo! 73 wpm with 96% accuracy. I’m an octopus, that would explain a lot. Back in grad school, I was close to 100 wpm. Thank you for sharing so many valuable tips. Many are similar to what I share with my university students, who often try to do their homework while a movie is on, they’re carrying on a couple of text convos on their phones, and their roommates are chattering next to them on the couch.

By: Cathy O'Dell Fri, 30 Apr 2021 02:57:27 +0000 I was curious about the Pomodoro technique, and when I read what it was I had to laugh. I’ve been using them for a while, but I know them as writing sprints…I believe Chris Fox and Rachel Aaron, and more, write about using them. They are a really great way to push yourself. I agree about the not hitting the backspace, or making corrections while you sprint. Don’t stop for anything. I also use a placeholder. I started doing that one before I even knew it was a thing. But my place word is “setting” Why? The heck if I know, I just started doing it one day and now anytime I get stuck with a name, or piece of information I need to look up, I write that word down and then later in my first edit, I read through from the beginning and fix them all. I do find that outlining broadly and then expanding it down to the scene level is also helpful to promote sprints. I used to do a word count, but since most of my scenes are 2000 words, now I go for scenes per day…I love your articles…so much value.
