Comments on: Amazon Book Categories: My Secret Method to Choose Clear Winners Book Marketing for Self-Publishing Authors Mon, 08 Jul 2024 19:46:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Hamilton Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:28:34 +0000 In reply to Patience.


By: Patience Mon, 19 Jul 2021 05:53:08 +0000 This is very useful, Thank you Dave. got my rocket

By: Carrie Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:55:46 +0000 This helps so much. Thank you!

By: Miguel Fri, 16 Jul 2021 06:03:20 +0000 In reply to Omar.

Hello Dave, I was interested in the Publisher Rocket, But I have a question, it works for e-books in Portuguese, published in, Brazil?

By: Dave Chesson Wed, 14 Jul 2021 21:44:18 +0000 In reply to Z Suko.

Glad to help!

By: Z Suko Tue, 13 Jul 2021 17:00:35 +0000 Thanks for this info! Very cool tips =)

By: Dave Chesson Wed, 26 May 2021 11:48:43 +0000 In reply to Omar.

So, you were still a part of the same categories, but you added more. There’s no reason why more categories would have had a negative effect on you. It’s probably that those new books are new and are doing big promotions and such, and so their ABSR is probably better than yours which is why they have taken a better category rank than yours.

By: Omar Mon, 24 May 2021 17:10:59 +0000 Sorry Dave for the misunderstanding and thanks for your time analyzing the different probabilities of my problem ..
it’s weird what’s happened to me, because I had simply added 3 categories while keeping the original ones.
My big issue is that my ranking was lost in these old catgories and other competing paperbacks have taken my spots (most are new with bad covers and no customer reviews)
Could it be because Amazon’s algorithm decided to redo its calculations for my books with the addition of new categories?

By: Dave Chesson Mon, 24 May 2021 10:03:37 +0000 In reply to Omar.

Not sure what you mean – your comment is there bro they just require approval since we get spammed. As for your comment though, the only way you would have lost sales is if your original category was a category where people go to the category because they LOVE to just buy books from it. Also, you have the ability to add up to 10 categories? If you really thought your originals were so good, why not keep some of them and just add to it? Also, you need to actually tell Amazon to remove you from categories – did you request they remove you from your original? Either way, I highly doubt your loss was because you moved out of some highly purchased category.

By: Omar Mon, 24 May 2021 06:13:15 +0000 I was waiting for your or someone’s help and you deleted my comment instead? This is ridiculous bro!!

By: Omar Sun, 23 May 2021 06:19:53 +0000 Hi Dave..
Remember when I asked you the 1st may if my paperback’s sales will not regress if I change categories? You told me that they will not, but unfotunately it’s exactly what happened..
I changed categories of 7 of my kdp LCB which are making me together about $40 a day, and now, I bearly can make 2 or 3 sales..
even worse my books are no longer discoverable when I type the keywards they are ranked for..
Your publisher rocket is a great tool, i love it, but i regret i used the category changing feature..
if only I can go back in time and leave my categories as they were before!
Thank you

By: Dave Chesson Sun, 02 May 2021 02:13:36 +0000 In reply to Omar.

Shouldn’t, nope.
