Comments for Kindlepreneur Book Marketing for Self-Publishing Authors Wed, 10 Jul 2024 21:32:21 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Audiobooks Made Easy by Sagar Constantin Mon, 17 Jun 2024 14:44:39 +0000 This is a must-have course if you want to make an audiobook. Derek is great at explaining everything you need to know, and I feel confident about recording my first audiobook after going through the course. You will get tips on recording, setting up your recording space, and even feedback on your recording. This has great value and made my recording go from okay to great. I highly recommend this course.

Comment on 100 Day Book by Peggy Tue, 16 Apr 2024 04:42:08 +0000 This is wonderful! I’ve done one session to finish my first draft and then to work on a second draft. The lessons for each week are excellent, and the site for peer reviews of your writing works quite well. I landed at The Write Place, simply chasing leads to various writing classes and websites. I loved the quality of their learning materials and that many resources were available for free. This is a place to learn and to practice what you learn. Top Quality and NO high pressure to sign up and pay $5000 upfront without having a chance to find out what it is that you are buying and the quality of the learning experience.

Comment on Royalty Hero by Becka Mon, 11 Mar 2024 16:25:31 +0000 Can I stick to 1.0 for $200 for now? I am in so much debt and I do not have $2,000 for your 2.0.

Comment on The Cold Hard Truth About Book Marketing Services by Steven Blair Wheeler Sat, 02 Mar 2024 15:34:24 +0000 Hi Dave,
Your comments were helpful as I was considering an author marketing outfit, but when they said they didn’t need to even glance through my work, nor would they share any case studies of how they effectively worked with novelists, two very large red flags shot up waving madly.
As for the one outfit you might recommend, that person’s methodology makes me cringe, and laugh (ruefully). In order to do business with that person, you have to contact them before you write the book???
In any case, the take away seems clear: an indie publisher has to roll up their sleeves and do the marketing work, which means learn all they can about it and tackle it as best they can. It’s a business, unless you wrote your book to give to family and friends.
Thanks for the insights.

Comment on Amazon Book Review Policies – Can We Give a Book for Free for Reviews? by Hunter Kay Wallace Fri, 02 Feb 2024 17:25:55 +0000 Great podcast! Thank you both.

Q: I’ve heard that ARC reviewers have to post something akin to “I received an Advance Reader Copy and I am leaving a review.” Is this true, or some outdated urban legend? I can’t find anything on Amazon about it.

Comment on Free Amazon Ads Course by Cornelis van Zweeden Tue, 16 Jan 2024 14:24:43 +0000 Outstanding – well-presented and highly informative.

Comment on MailerLite for Authors Course by Mary Harrell Mon, 01 Jan 2024 18:48:32 +0000 Hi Dave, I use Mailerlite and like it. This short and sweet course describes it very well. I like to view most of your courses because I am a new author and these are quick lessons. Dave, you are the best instructor out there for long or short courses. I am a subscriber and I enjoy your emails.
Thank you.

Comment on Royalty Hero by DS Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:23:34 +0000 Please don’t buy this course! Everything in here you can literally get for free on youtube or just google. Might i add that they recently changed thier refund policy and didnt tell anyone about it and the old policy is still on there website tricking people. It is not 50% of the course and publish a book. It is now ALL of the course and a HIGH CONTENT book using thier methods which can cost anywhere from 400-1000 USD. If i can save at least one person from buying this course that would be a win for me. I do not recommend this course at all.

Comment on Audiobooks Made Easy by Frank Sherrard Fri, 24 Nov 2023 15:27:39 +0000 Great and informative course. Derek does a good job of being professional without being condescending to amateurs. The best part of the course is his willingness to answer questions and address problems personally. His responses are always friendly and prompt. Terrific service.

Comment on Children’s Book University™ by jeff Fri, 06 Oct 2023 02:37:45 +0000 There will be times when you stroll into a room and nobody there is very similar to you… until the day you start to share your accounts. And at the same time, in the room where no other person is very similar to you, the world opens itself up somewhat more extensive to set aside some room for you.

Comment on Using AMS Ads to Increase Your Sales (CASE STUDY) by Lisa Griffiths Thu, 28 Sep 2023 04:12:41 +0000 Lisa]]> Hi Dave,
I’ve watched your AMS course and want to know if your recommendation to run multiple campaigns for a single book (using different Ad Copy for each to target different search term groupings) would be an appropriate strategy for a single children’s picture book?

I noticed your case studies were on adult fiction and non-fiction books and I’ve only heard of children’s authors using different campaigns for to test auto vs. manual and product targeting vs. keyword targeting but not to vary the Ad Copy. I don’t have a large budget to test lots of campaigns so any guidance here would really help!
Thanks! 🌷


Comment on Scrivener Masterclass by Bruce L. Weatherspoon Wed, 27 Sep 2023 21:21:21 +0000 Hello,
My name is Bruce Weatherspoon. I purchased the Scrivener Master Class with Abbie Emmons and the program never worked. I would like to either get mymoney back or have someone organized the program so that I can have access to the Scrivener Master Class with Ms. Emmons.
