Comments on: Amazon International Markets Explained Book Marketing for Self-Publishing Authors Tue, 04 Jun 2024 16:07:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Tue, 17 Nov 2020 03:52:45 +0000 In reply to Dave Chesson.

Nice thanks

By: Dave Chesson Mon, 16 Nov 2020 19:00:14 +0000 In reply to David.

It doesn’t because Amazon processes all those sales, but pays ‘you’ for the sale. Basically, they handle that pain haha.

By: David Sun, 15 Nov 2020 23:00:03 +0000 Hi love the article

Iā€™m based in the US.
And was wondering how does selling books internationally? And even using amazon ads in foreign countries/markets affect taxes? Do we have to file extra forms during tax season? Is there a change when using amazon ads?

Does anyone have any experience with this?

By: Dave Chesson Fri, 30 Oct 2020 21:53:04 +0000 In reply to Amanda Clemmer.

Glad you liked it – yeah, no kidding.

By: Amanda Clemmer Thu, 29 Oct 2020 16:29:45 +0000 Thanks for the overview! Publishing internationally is a big feat with so much to consider. I’m especially fascinated at how that self-help cover was apparently a “good” design in Japan.

By: Dave Chesson Tue, 27 Oct 2020 12:04:50 +0000 In reply to Alexandra Psaropoulou.

Thanks! That totally made my morning to read that šŸ™‚

By: Alexandra Psaropoulou Wed, 21 Oct 2020 10:01:23 +0000 I followed Dave’s (thankfully) free seminar on AMS and found it was the most helpful and detailed out of all the current ones, free or not, in guiding a newbie around the amazon dashboard. He really fills in every nook and cranny and provides all the necessary information and detail which so many others miss. I’m so grateful Dave.
Alexandra from Greece.

By: Dave Chesson Tue, 06 Oct 2020 21:54:30 +0000 In reply to Leah Chalmers.

Sure – if you do a Competition Analyzer Search, you’ll see the ability to do the unleash the category. If you still don’t see it, then be sure to contact support and they can check to see why you aren’t seeing it.

By: Leah Chalmers Mon, 05 Oct 2020 17:32:29 +0000 Hello, I use Publisher Rocket and this update is fantastic. Just I don’t seem to have the ‘Unleash Categories’ feature that you mentioned in order to see which categories my book is already ranking for. I just did the update a few minutes ago… could you advise?

By: Dave Chesson Sat, 03 Oct 2020 14:44:09 +0000 In reply to Jana.

Awesome, well hopefully this article helped and glad to see you taking action. It’s a process indeed.

By: Jana Fri, 02 Oct 2020 16:04:50 +0000 Hi Dave and Kindlepreneurs,

thanks for this useful article! I myself have a book in three languages and ads running on four markets (ES, DE, UK, US). I can say – even if the book is the same, the markets are so different! Some markets prefer my ebook version, others paperback…

The ads statistics are also very different. I am getting good impressions on the Spanish market (I couldn’t use Rocket for the Spanish keywords), however, lately the impressions dropped quite a lot with no apparent reason. Clicks are still quite high. The ads on the German market (did use Rocket there) are doing the opposite – the impressions are slowly growing, and so the clicks. The UK and US markets are not doing too well for now. Actually, my CTR for Spain and Germany is around 0,23%, for UK and US around 0,06%.. although I am bidding the same or even more on the English speaking markets…

So, just wanted to say that it’s super interesting to try get your book translated and see how different markets behave. I am still very new to this so will need to figure out how to “read” this data.

After reading this article I’ve now set up a Spanish campaign on the US market and an English one on the German market, to see if any expats are interested in reading in their language :).

Also, I had my books translated with Fiverr, BUT I speak the languages they get translated into so I can do quality control. I have the translator do a sample first and if it’s good (native-like), I go for it. The price is then much cheaper than using other platforms, but it’s still the most expensive part of my book budgets. I recommend you use Fiverr for translations only if you yourself are able to check the quality/speak the language.

Thanks again for this article!

By: Dave Chesson Mon, 28 Sep 2020 03:12:02 +0000 In reply to Jimmy Griffin.

Hey Jimmy, that’s awesome to hear and so glad you’re getting it. Also, happy to hear you’ve enjoyed rocket and that it has helped. Made my night to read that šŸ™‚
