Comments on: How to Find Profitable Amazon Ad Keywords Book Marketing for Self-Publishing Authors Mon, 08 Jan 2024 21:15:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave Chesson Wed, 24 Feb 2021 22:23:26 +0000 In reply to Augustine Campana.

I still do because with the ads, you’ll for sure be at the top. Plus I think (Stressing ‘think’) that it helps to show Amazon sales conversions for those keywords which helps in rankings. I don’t have enough data to say for sure, but even if that isn’t the case, I still personally do that.

By: Augustine Campana Sun, 21 Feb 2021 13:22:13 +0000 Hi Dave,
I have taken your Art of Categories and Art of Keywords courses plus many of your free offerings and I’m still not clear about this —
Do we want to use the 7 Kindle keywords in our list of custom keywords for an ad campaign? It seems this might be a waste of $$.
Thanks for helping.

By: Dave Ives Sat, 13 Jan 2018 22:24:00 +0000 Thanks for the informative article Dave. I took your AMS marketing course and I’m using KDPRocket and it’s working … many impressions, a good amount of clicks and finally some book sales. AMS is dynamite in that you only pay for clicks; book sales are keeping pace with click costs so far …

By: Robin Glassey Sat, 11 Nov 2017 19:04:00 +0000 In reply to Dave Chesson.

I’m all set now. There was a long delay in cyber space. I’ve also purchased KDP Rocket and have started on my key words. Thanks so much. I’m looking forward to getting my amazon ads working smoothly and profitably.

By: Dave Chesson Mon, 06 Nov 2017 15:24:00 +0000 In reply to Robin Glassey.

Not sure what to tell you. I don’t have access to your sign in information. The only thing I can add is to try a different email.

By: Robin Glassey Mon, 06 Nov 2017 15:22:00 +0000 I’ve tried twice now to sign up for the free course and I haven’t gotten the confirmation email (I’ve checked the spam box).

By: Dave Chesson Thu, 01 Jun 2017 19:53:00 +0000 In reply to Rachel Smith.

Yes and no. As of now, you can’t setup an AMS campaign for just a book. However, by setting up the campaign for your ebook, you are also selling your book as well. The ad drives people to your ebook page, and they can choose any of the other versions of your book like paperback, hard cover, audible, etc.

By: Rachel Smith Thu, 01 Jun 2017 12:23:00 +0000 Just a note – this is only applicable to ebooks, not print books…

By: Dave Chesson Wed, 31 May 2017 17:23:00 +0000 In reply to Carol Tice.

Thanks. With regards to your question, the short answer is yes, you can. And it’s not stuffing. What you do, is tell Amazon that you’re interested in showing your book ad any time someone types in those particular words are are looking at those books. The reason why you want the large number is because you’ll be amazed at how many it will usually take before Amazon gives traction and it’s kind of crazy what brings about sales. If you’d like to see it in action and how I put it all together, grouping ad copy by shopper mentality, I show all in my free course:

By: Carol Tice Wed, 31 May 2017 17:18:00 +0000 Love that this is getting added to KDP Rocket, Dave! But my question is — how does have 200-300 keywords help me? I can’t stuff those ALL into ONE ad, right? Do I need to generate hundreds of slightly different ads or something? Sorry if this is obvious to everyone else…

By: Dave Chesson Wed, 31 May 2017 13:17:00 +0000 In reply to Joe Donnalley.

Haha…thanks Joe and glad you’re liking it. I’ve got a couple of more capaiblities that KDP Rocket will be rolling out with for free for users very soon. As for that T-Shirt, contact me with an address 😉

By: Dave Chesson Wed, 31 May 2017 13:05:00 +0000 In reply to rayleoo.

Awesome and thanks. You can find it at and it’s $97
